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How to Clean an Infrared Sauna?

Key Takeaway:

  • Regular cleaning of an infrared sauna is important to maintain a healthy environment and prolong its lifespan.
  • Using sauna cushions, towels, and basic cleaning can prevent build-up and make it easier to periodically deep clean the sauna.
  • Each type of infrared sauna requires specific cleaning instructions such as using vinegar and water to clean the seat and backrests, avoiding harsh detergents, and using natural glass cleaners to maintain its performance.


Saunas have been used for centuries and are known for reducing stress, boosting blood flow, and aiding detox. But now there’s an upgraded version of the regular sauna – the Infrared Sauna! It uses infrared rays to directly heat the body, making the experience more efficient and comfortable.

This article will teach you how to clean an Infrared Sauna, so it’s safe to use and in good condition.

Cleaning an Infrared Sauna is vital to keep it running great and lasting longer. Non-toxic cleaning agents are a must, to avoid damaging the materials. After every use, clean it with a soft cloth or sponge using a mild soap solution. No abrasive or harsh products, as they may damage the interior.

Taking care of your Infrared Sauna also involves other steps. Keeping it dry stops mold and mildew. Ventilation prevents moisture, making the sauna comfy. And inspecting and maintaining the heating elements, wiring, and control panels makes sure they work properly.

So, Infrared Saunas are a great way to relax and benefit from sauna therapy. Keeping the sauna clean and well-maintained boosts performance and safety. Follow the tips above and enjoy a clean and comfy sauna session every time!

Importance of cleaning an infrared sauna

Regular cleaning is a must for an infrared sauna. If not done properly, bacteria and germs can build-up, making it unhygienic.

To keep it clean, wipe the walls and benches with a mild cleaning solution after each use. Additionally, deep clean it at least once a week with a disinfectant. Make sure it’s completely dry before use.

Proper cleaning not only keeps it hygienic, but also maintains its efficiency. Sweat and grime can cause the heaters to not work as expected. A clean sauna ensures maximum benefits for many years.

In short, cleaning an infrared sauna is imperative. It ensures its longevity, efficiency, and safety for users. Follow the recommended practices to get the best out of it.

Easy maintenance of Far Infrared Saunas

Did you know that maintaining and keeping your far infrared sauna clean can significantly impact its lifespan and effectiveness?

In this section, we will explore some simple maintenance tips for your sauna, including the use of sauna cushions and towels for protection. These easy tips will not only help you extend the life of your sauna but also ensure that you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience every time you use it.

Using sauna cushions and towels for protection

It’s vital to take safety measures when using your infrared sauna, such as towels and mats. Towels should be changed after every use and regularly washed to prevent bacteria buildup. Mats are great for extra comfort and protection against spills and stains – opt for removable covers for easy cleaning.

To keep the sauna hygienic and comfortable, it’s important to clean the cushions often. Avoid rough materials or abrasive cleaners, as they may damage the surface. Gentle cleaning methods should be used instead.

These protective measures can make a huge difference to your sauna experience. With a little effort, you can enjoy the many benefits of your infrared sauna for years to come.

Quick and easy cleaning techniques for infrared saunas

After a relaxing session in an infrared sauna, cleaning the unit can seem like a daunting task. However, with the right techniques, it can be quick and easy. To ensure the quality and durability of your sauna, we recommend basic cleaning after every use and a deeper clean every two weeks. Follow these steps to keep your infrared sauna in top condition:

  1. Wait until the sauna cools down completely before cleaning it to avoid any burns or damage to the unit.
  2. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the surfaces inside the sauna, including the walls, bench, and floor. Avoid using any cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals.
  3. Remove any stains with a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar. Use the same soft cloth to apply the mixture and gently scrub away the stain.
  4. Wipe down the heaters with a dry cloth, being careful not to touch the heating elements directly.
  5. Check the condition of the sauna regularly and take care of any repairs or replacements needed.

Basic cleaning after every use

Need to clean your infrared sauna after every session? Here’s a 3-step guide:

  1. Wipe down all surfaces with a microfiber cloth – walls, bench, and floor.
  2. If there are stains or debris, use a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleaning solution to gently scrub.
  3. Rinse off residue with water, then dry surfaces with a clean towel.

Don’t wait for severe cleanup later – cleaning the sauna after every session will ensure its performance and lifespan. Plus, you’ll get the most out of each session!

Deeper cleaning every two weeks

Deep cleaning your infrared sauna is important. It should be done every one to three months (depending on the manufacturer). But, if you want to be extra safe, deep clean it every two weeks. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Turn off and unplug the sauna.
  2. Clean inside with a damp microfiber cloth and sauna cleaner.
  3. Rub stubborn stains or dirt build-up with a sanding sponge.
  4. Rinse off any cleaner residue with water.
  5. Air dry everything before plugging it back in.

Be careful not to use harsh cleaners or chemicals. Wear gloves, make sure the area is well-ventilated, and don’t leave damp towels or cushions inside for long. Check your sauna’s manufacturer instructions for their recommended cleaning schedule and methods. With proper care and regular cleaning, your infrared sauna will provide relaxation for years!

Specific cleaning instructions for different types of infrared saunas

Different types of infrared saunas require specific cleaning instructions to maintain their efficiency and prolong their lifespan. It is recommended to clean the seat and backrests of the sauna using a mixture of water and vinegar, as this is a safe and effective method that will not damage the sauna or emit harmful fumes. Avoid using heavy detergents and harmful chemicals as they could cause damage to the sauna.

Using vinegar and water for cleaning the seat and backrests

Need a good way to clean the seat and backrests of your infrared sauna? Vinegar and water is the answer! Make a solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water. Then, put it on a microfiber cloth and wipe down the surfaces. Afterward, use a damp cloth to remove any vinegar residue and dry with a clean towel.

Do not use heavy detergents or cleaning products that give off harmful fumes. They could harm the wood or fabric of the sauna. Instead, use natural solutions like vinegar. Clean the seat and backrests every two weeks, or more often if you use the sauna a lot.

For a deeper clean, try hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide or baking soda with three parts water. Put it on the surfaces with a microfiber cloth. Rinse with water and dry well.

Regularly maintain your infrared sauna. It’s key for its longevity and having a healthy environment for your home spa experience. Don’t let cleaning become a chemical warfare, switch to natural solutions like vinegar and stay healthy!

Avoiding heavy detergents and harmful fumes

Using harsh detergents and cleaners in infrared saunas can have bad effects on the environment and people. Thus, it’s best to avoid them while cleaning.

For a clean and safe atmosphere, natural solutions like vinegar or essential oils should be used instead of chemical-based products. This ensures that air quality inside the sauna stays fresh and secure for users.

Moreover, abrasive materials such as steel wool or industrial-strength cleaners should be avoided. They could damage the sauna’s surface. Soft microfiber cloths or sanding sponges should be used instead, to gently scrub away dirt and grime.

It’s important to remember that some infrared saunas require particular cleaning solutions based on their materials. For example, acidic cleaners like vinegar may harm wooden saunas. So, always read the manufacturer’s instructions before selecting a cleaning agent for your infrared sauna.

By skipping heavy detergents and fumes, and following these tips, one can efficiently clean their infrared sauna without exposing themselves or others to hazardous chemicals or fumes.

Tips for a thorough cleaning of the infrared sauna

A thorough cleaning of your infrared sauna is essential to maintain its longevity and keep it in top condition. In this section, we will provide some helpful tips to ensure that your infrared sauna is clean and hygienic.

It is important to note that sauna cleaning solutions must be used in addition to natural glass cleaners to avoid any damages to the sauna surface. Additionally, necessary cleaning tools such as microfiber cloths, sanding sponges, and brushes should be utilized for maximum effectiveness. By regularly cleaning your infrared sauna, you can ensure that it remains in optimum condition for long term use.

Using dedicated sauna cleaning solutions and natural glass cleaners

Sauna cleaning solutions and natural glass cleaners are a must for a healthy environment in your infrared sauna. They’re made to keep it clean, without harming surfaces. These products ensure your sauna remains hygienic and safe to use – extending its lifespan.

Avoid anything that could cause respiratory problems or skin irritations. Natural glass cleaners without harsh chemicals are ideal.

Heavy detergents like bleach can damage surfaces. So, use high-quality natural glass cleaners during regular upkeep. This stops dirt buildup in key places like the door and metal brackets.

Infrared saunas have been used for healing purposes across cultures for many years. Specific cleaning techniques have been developed to keep them clean and safe. The best way to achieve this is by using dedicated sauna cleaning solutions and natural glass cleaners.

Necessary cleaning tools: microfiber cloths, sanding sponges, and brushes

Cleaning your infrared sauna requires the right tools. Microfiber cloths, sanding sponges, and soft-bristled brushes are necessary. These tools help you to clean every corner, even hard-to-reach areas. Microfiber cloths are gentle and pick up small particles. Sanding sponges come in different coarseness levels for wood and plastic surfaces. Soft-bristled brushes are great for scrubbing away sweat and debris.

For a fresh, clean smell, use special cleaning solutions without harmful chemicals or strong odors. This eliminates germs and molds. Natural glass cleaners with diluted vinegar are eco-friendly. They remove smudges and sanitize without leaving toxic residues.

After each cleaning session, rinse thoroughly with water. Use the right cleaning tools and solutions to keep your infrared sauna looking and smelling new. Upgrade your sauna game with these accessories for the ultimate relaxation experience!

Adding accessories to enhance the sauna experience

Accessories are important for improving the benefits of infrared saunas. They provide extra comfort and relaxation, making the experience more enjoyable. With the right accessories, you can customize your sauna to your needs.

Chromotherapy lights are a popular accessory. Different colors are said to have healing properties. They help you achieve certain benefits.

Aromatherapy diffusers are another accessory that can boost relaxation. Essential oils in the steam offer various advantages. This diffuser helps create a more immersive session.

Music systems are also popular. Soft music complements the sauna, creating a more immersive atmosphere. Many come with speakers and other features.

It is important to note that not all accessories are compatible. Read your sauna’s instructions and safety guidelines before adding any. Quality matters too – only get official ones from reputable brands.

Ten tips for cleaning your infrared sauna

Looking for effective and efficient ways to clean your infrared sauna? Look no further than our top 10 tips for keeping your sauna in top-notch condition!

  • To start, begin by wiping down all surfaces, including benches and walls, with a mild soap and water solution. For tough stains, use a scrub brush and a gentle cleanser. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives, as they may damage the sauna’s wood or heating elements.
  • If you are looking for a natural cleaning solution, consider using a mix of vinegar and water. This solution will not only remove dirt and grime, but also disinfect the sauna. Simply mix one part vinegar to three parts water, apply to a cloth, and wipe down all surfaces.
  • Additionally, to promote a fresh and inviting aroma, consider placing a few drops of essential oils in a small bowl of water and placing it in the sauna during use. Some popular options include eucalyptus, lavender, and lemon.

By following these tips, you can maintain a clean and healthy infrared sauna experience for years to come!

Scrubbing surfaces with a brush and rinsing with water

Clean your infrared sauna correctly by following a specific method.

After each use, let it cool down before you start scrubbing all surfaces with a soft-bristled brush. For any heavily soiled areas, use a cleaning solution made for infrared saunas. Rinse everything completely with water. Don’t use harsh chemicals or a hard-bristled brush as that could damage the wood or cause fumes. It’s recommended to use a dedicated sauna cleaning solution.

Every two weeks, do a deep clean. Use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to remove any bacteria or mold. Rinse and dry everything properly before using the sauna again. That way, your infrared sauna will be clean and safe.

Using hydrogen peroxide or vinegar for a deeper clean

For a deeper clean in an infrared sauna, combine hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant that kills germs and bacteria. Dilute it with water, then wipe down all surfaces with a microfiber cloth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that hydrogen peroxide kills the novel coronavirus.

Mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. This acid dissolves dirt and soap buildup. It’s also effective for cleaning mildew from wooden panels. Plus, its acetic acid kills bacteria and viruses.

Be cautious when using these solutions. They may discolor or damage certain materials over time. Test the solution on a small area first. Also, ensure proper ventilation to prevent dangerous fumes. Don’t mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

To keep your sauna smelling fresh, use hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. But, use them with caution to avoid any potential damage.

Using natural ingredients to keep the sauna smelling fresh

Keep your infrared sauna smelling fresh with natural ingredients!

  • Sprinkle dried lavender or eucalyptus before each use, or add essential oil to a spray bottle with water and mist the sauna. This keeps the air inside clean and healthy.
  • Place small bowls of baking soda around the sauna – it’s a natural deodorizer.
  • Vinegar also works great – clean it with vinegar and water, then leave a mixture of vinegar and water in a bowl overnight.
  • Charcoal bags or sachets can also be hung to naturally absorb moisture and odors.
  • Avoid synthetic scents or perfumes – they may cause allergic reactions.
  • Regularly cleaning and airing out the sauna will also help keep it fresh.

With a few simple adjustments, keeping your infrared sauna fresh and clean is easy and sustainable!

Conclusion: Following these tips will help maintain a clean and healthy environment in your infrared sauna.

Maintaining a clean and healthy environment in your infrared sauna is key to enjoying its benefits. To get it done, you need to incorporate regular cleaning and maintenance into your sauna routine. Natural cleaning agents like vinegar or lemon juice, plus proper ventilation, will help keep your sauna clean and sanitized.

Here’s how to maintain a clean and healthy environment in your infrared sauna:

  1. Wipe the sauna surfaces with a damp cloth to take off sweat and dirt.
  2. Use natural cleaning agents, such as vinegar or lemon juice, to clean wooden surfaces.
  3. Keep the sauna well-ventilated to avoid mold and mildew growth.
  4. Replace towels and sauna accessories, like headrests, after each use for hygiene.

On top of regular cleaning, it’s important to keep a few other details in mind. Only use natural cleaning agents, as chemical-based cleaners can harm the wooden surfaces. Also, make sure surfaces are dry before using the sauna to prevent injuries.

Pro Tip: Clean your infrared sauna after every use to keep it in good condition for a long time.

To sum up, these tips will help you maintain a clean and healthy environment in your infrared sauna.

Some Facts About How to Clean an Infrared Sauna:

  • ✅ Cleaning the sauna after each session is important to prevent sweat accumulation on surfaces like the bench, backrest, and floor. (Source:
  • ✅ Infrared saunas are low maintenance and do not introduce water into the environment, making them easy to clean. (Source:
  • ✅ To clean an infrared sauna, use non-toxic soap and warm water or a sauna cleaner made with natural ingredients like vinegar and essential oils. (Sources: and
  • ✅ It is important to vacuum and wipe down surfaces regularly, but heavy detergents should be avoided as they can damage the wood and emit harmful fumes. (Source:
  • ✅ Sauna cushions or towels can protect surfaces from sweat stains and bacteria buildup, and the sauna should be disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution. (Sources: and

FAQs about How To Clean An Infrared Sauna?

How often should an infrared sauna be cleaned?

Infrared saunas should be cleaned after each use to prevent sweat accumulation on surfaces like the bench, backrest, and floor. A deeper cleaning can be done every two weeks or monthly.

What is the best way to clean the surfaces of an infrared sauna?

The best way to clean surfaces of an infrared sauna is to wipe them down with warm water and a gentle soap solution. For a deeper clean, use a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to scrub the sauna. Avoid heavy detergents as they can discolor the wood or emit harmful fumes.

How can sweat stains be prevented in an infrared sauna?

Sweat stains can be prevented by laying towels or using special sauna cushions on the bench. Towels can also be used to protect the bench from sweat stains. Remember to wash towels and cushions regularly to prevent bacteria and mold buildup.

What natural ingredients can be used to keep the infrared sauna smelling fresh?

Natural ingredients like lemon, mint leaves, lavender leaves, or essential oils can be used to keep the infrared sauna smelling fresh. Simply add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and spray around the sauna.

Can baking soda be used to clean an infrared sauna?

Yes, baking soda can be used to clean an infrared sauna. However, some people report darker stains on the wood after using it. To use, add baking soda to warm water and scrub with a gentle brush.

What should I avoid when cleaning an infrared sauna?

Avoid using too much water on the cloth/sponge as the wood may turn dark. Never hose down the interior or exterior of an infrared sauna, and do not apply paint, stain, or other chemical finishes or sealants to the interior of the sauna. Use natural cleaning solutions and avoid heavy detergents that can discolor the wood or emit harmful fumes.

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